An Exceptional Butterfly

An Exceptional Butterfly

Imagine, 7 billion people living in this planet and we are one those different faces with different races, identity and personality. It's amazing how those differences concede into a single concept of UNIQUENESS. Ponder this, have you ever realized how special you are? 

Out of these billion faces, there is one single copy of a woman dreaming to reach her full potential and trying to make difference in this world full of judgment and criticisms. 

She is Judy Ann Paparon. In her 17 years of existence in this world, she have met a lot people, learned a lot of lessons and  encountered a lot of circumstances. But she believes that it is just the beginning. Beginning of everything. Now, I want you to go with her as she share some random facts about her that most people doesn't know about.


My family is my life. They're like the only thing in this world that motivates me to do keep going. Whenever I feel like quitting, I just have a thought of them and I'm good to go again. I can say that the bond between us are strong enough to say that WE ARE INSEPARABLE. 

I was born on 30th of May year 2001 and GEMINI is my zodiac sign. Yes, I'm kinda fascinated with astrology.  They say that people born under this zodiac are assumed to be quick tempered, fun, adventurous and rational which appears to be me most of the time. 

I'm a pet lover. As a matter of fact, I've already had 6 dogs in the past but unfortunately they all passed away. Recently, I am happily living together with my pets Kisses and Smokey and the bossy cat, Cali. Call me weird or whatever but I treat them as my babies. 

I'm a cry baby. I really do cry on things easily.  It's not that obvious since I'm really great in hiding my emotions but when I say that I'm about to cry, and so it happens. It's kinda weird because Disney movies are always successful in making me cry. It hits me right in my heart. 

Resulta ng larawan para sa working

I prefer to work alone. I don't know but I think I'm working better if I'm alone. I love the feeling of working by myself  thinking that I didn't have to argue with someone else's idea. That's the reason why I really hate activities that involves group where I need to lead and socialize. It's my WEAKNESS. Hate it. 

I'm indecisive at all times. I really find it hard to make decisions before anything else. Even in choosing what clothes to wear or what foods to buy, I am always struggling. I love asking opinions from others but I really don't consider one of those. 

Resulta ng larawan para sa spices

I have these weird taste palette where I always crave for something salty and spicy. I love the presence of spices in every savory foods that I eat. I ♥ pepper the most. 

Resulta ng larawan para sa candies

I'm literally obsessed with sweets. It is my comfort food I guess. Chocolates, gummy bears, marshmallows, lollipops etc. give me one of those and I'll be happy. 

Resulta ng larawan para sa tattoos

I wanna get a tattoo someday. I just find it fantastic to have something in your body that really tell something about your personality. Even a small musical note on my arm will do. Looking forward to have one in the future. 

Sharing these things about myself is somehow a challenge for me since being your true self became a challenge nowadays. As you read these things about me, I CHALLENGE YOU to do the same. Not just by creating a blog but simply by being TRUE to yourself. 

Don't be afraid to show who you are. You can be weird, silly, different and exceptional. 

I dare you to share a single fact about yourself so we can talk about it. 



  1. Wow amazing�� now i know some of details about you ms. Weird but awesome lady��..

    I love pets too, im soft just like you, i love to sing and dance, im a positive thinker, i prefer to be alone in studying, in foods? Spicy, sweets, anythiiiing!! �� i love foooods, im a blue, black, gray, purple lover, i love musiiiiic im a old song lover��, i love my family, i love my lovie i love my life��.. im a kind of weird sometimes�� im a moody person, im more serious when it comes of studying, i love oldy styles, clothes, songs, bands, rock? Yep��.. i love everything about myself��

    Thank you for sharing about your life ms. Pretty��

    1. I'm very grateful for this Jenica. I love the way you share those things about yourself too, it seems like we had a lot of similarities and I am amazed how brave you are in sharing all of it. I really love your last line in your comment " i love everything about myself". Keep loving yourself and thank you for sharing your thoughts with me.

  2. How do you socialize with your friends? What kind of friends or people around you do you mostly like?

    1. That's a very nice question. I would really like to go with people who have the same characteristics with me. Most of my friends are funny, smart, fun to be with, hard working and sweet just like me I guess. I socialize with them in the best way possible. I always find time to communicate and have time with all of them.

  3. You are a typical sunshine and a charming teenager that can help other people through your personality. Despite of being resilient, what are the other traits that you can share to the millenials ?

    1. I'll take it as a compliment and thank you for that. I think the best trait that I could share to my fellow millennial is being RESPECTFUL, CONFIDENT and HUMBLE. Confident enough in way that they could showcase their real self without considering what others will say about it. As long as it is morally right, they should continue doing things that makes them happy. After completely establishing their self-confidence, they must continue embracing their personality despite of being recognized and complimented. All of us should learn how to appreciate and accept each other's differences. :)

  4. This is such a good example of self acceptance. Being proud of how weird or unique you trully are is I think, one of the greatest moment every person deserve to achieved. Way back in my college years, I struggled with ideas and concepts of who I wanted to become in the future and what kind of person will l be just to fit everyone's standard of being "me", which I considered as one of the hardest part of growing up. But along the way, I've come to accept myself for who I trully am regardless of what and how other people will say. Ditch the idea of "fitting in the crowd" just to get acceptance. Once you accept yourself, your uniqueness, there comes self love and things will follow. You've come to get to know yourself more and get to know the people who trully loves you just for being you.
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Keep on being brave and proud of yourself. Not everyone can do so. Also hoping to come across people who have accepted themselves as well. So inspiring.

    1. I am also amazed on how you share your thoughts through this comment. I admire your concept when it comes to self acceptance. I actually started creating the same mindset too. Now, I am starting to feel like I have to embrace and love my self more despite of my flaws and imperfections.

  5. It's nice to see your bravery in terms of sharing these little things about yourself. As you've told me before, this is your very first blog but it doesn't seem like one. The content is amusingly great and full of sense indeed. Now I also encouraged to create things like this. Thank you for being an inspiration!

  6. Hi Judy. We may barely know each other but as I read your blog, I'm having this feeling that we could be good friends. I find a lot of similarities with you and it's amazing to know that I'm not the only one who's having those traits and weird characteristics. I hope you'll publish another blog but this time it would be about your hobbies and talent. Looking forward to know more about you.


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